
With the evolution of time, it is noticeable that a large number of startups are being introduced every year. This has also increased the number of competitors as well as the level of competition in every field. Isn’t it?

So in order to outshine out of all the competitors, a small business or a startup needs to apply a set of effective marketing strategies! Here we have listed 20 miraculous marketing strategies that every small business must imply for their flourishment:

Facebook Marketing

Facebook has undoubtedly been in the top list of people who are active on social media. This also means that the target audience for every kind of business is on Facebook. So why shouldn’t you make the best use out of it?

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Using Facebook, you can target the niche category of the audience; i.e; the most appropriate audience for your business. This happens because they give you the provision to sort the audience with respect to age, gender, preferences, locations and much more. So you can target the exact category of the audience that could be further converted.

Rank your Google My Business listing

One must consider listing their business on Google my business. This is the finest way to show your existence and makes it easier for people to approach you and rely upon you for your services since they know your location.

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Moreover, if your business has to target the local business then you must not miss out listing your business here.

Reasons at a glance

  • You will come into notice of the local audience
  • You will be under consideration because of your existence on Google my Business
  • Preference would be given to your company over those who are not listed here

Instagram Marketing

Believe it or not, Instagram is the most considerable platform, even over facebook because it is the most trendy social media platform these days. Almost every single person, especially the social media addicts, spends their maximum time on this social media platform. So you can take the best use of this by spreading your business on Instagram.

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Another reason that you must not miss out Instagram is that you can reach the target audience without investing much or even nothing! Instagram allows a feature to follow people, so you can simply come into the notice of the target audience. Sounds great right!

Content Marketing

Probably, you are familiar with the term, ‘Content is the King of Marketing!’

And that’s completely right! It is not just about the quality of the product or service that you offer, but the way you showcase it in front of target people!

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Image Credit: SmartInsights

Being a small business owner, in order to attract the people and make desirable conversions you really need to focus on quality content. It is the most effective source that would help to generate maximum leads for your business.

Content is not just limited to product/service description, but you must also focus on the content for the web pages, blogs, videos, etc. Also, you must consider creating high-quality, relevant and highly optimized content so that your business grow at a higher rate.

Email Marketing

Since the last 1-2 decades, most of the people, especially with smartphones have started checking their emails very frequently. This actually makes email marketing one of the finest tools to reach the target audience!

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There are endless benefits of email marketing such as:

  • Low cost
  • High response rate
  • Best way to display product and services
  • Target the desired people
  • Stay connected with existing customers

The major resource that you need to accomplish your email marketing strategy is the appropriate database. So how you think you can get that. Well, the best way is to add a pop-up form on your website. Offer some free information or something that your target audience would need in return. In this way, you can collect appropriate email ids which you can further use.

Social media marketing

We have already mentioned about Facebook marketing and Instagram marketing in the above-mentioned strategies. Social Media Marketing Includes other platforms as well. You just have to analyze where your target audience actually exists! It could be twitter, LinkedIn or maybe Tumblr.

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One good move could be having a presence on each and every possible social media platform. The reason being is that you will stand out of the competitors since you may not face huge competition on specific platforms. So, utilize the power of social media in the most appropriate manner to make your small business reach heights.

Offer something for free

Anything for free simply attracts a large number of people. And something that you are offering for free doesn’t always mean that you have to make any major investment.

  • If you offer products

    • Like, suppose you can offer anything of lesser worth for free along with something that is more expensive. Check that you are still left out with some profit. This would encourage the customers to make a purchase from you.
  • If you offer services

    • With every service that you offer, introduce a few add ons as well, that could be some additional features or provisions.

And not just the free resource, but you can even offer free information that could be required by your audience!

Don’t forget about print media

Since digitalization has come in trend, people have neglected the old traditional methods of advertising and promotion. You can’t deny the fact that the print media is still an effective source that can help you generate the finest leads!

Consider, the most feasible print media like magazines, newspapers or pamphlets, whichever you think that your target audience will access.

Host a webinar

Webinars are quite a unique way to generate leads and hit up your subscribers list. This simply means that you will build up relationships with your existing as well as new customers at a much greater extent!

There are many available portals where you can conduct webinar and indulge targetted people into that video session. Here’s the list of top sites that you must definitely keep under consideration:

  1. WebinarJam
  2. AnyMeeting
  3. Cisco WebEx
  4. StealthSeminar
  5. GoToWebinar
  6. Webinars OnAir
  7. Zoom
  8. Google Hangouts

Be social in every case

Most of the companies prefer to post only professional content!

But you must consider posting every single thing regarding your company on social media in order to increase engagement and also credibility for your business! Share about the major happenings, events, staff job life, etc.

No matter your company is big or small, this small step would make a great image of your company anyhow, so you must go ahead with this strategy!

Use Google Adwords

Google Adwords the shortest way to come into notice of target people! You can simply bid for specific keywords and could easily rank on the top place of ads if your website is appropriate.

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Here are some pros and cons of applying Google AdWords:


  • The fastest way to rank high
  • Generate more leads
  • Best way to promote brand name


  • In case, the competition is high between the people using Google Adwords, then your website may not rank on the first page!
  • It could be expensive! To make share it doesn’t load on your pocket, calculate the ROI before bidding.

Offer staff incentives

Well, this is possibly a great move to have employees that carry on to work with your company. Offering incentives to the hardworking and deserving employees boost their confidence and moreover, they would like to work for your organization forever. Having employees that could be connected with your company for so many years turns out to be an asset! So cheer them up with bonus, gifts or other provisions!

Create a blog

A blog is currently the best way to increase your reach! You must create a blog section on your company’s website where you can post the information that your target audience might be searching for. Make sure that the information is relevant and there is nothing inappropriate on the blog section.

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Become a partner with other businesses

Your company individually may offer certain services but you can still become a one-stop destination for your customer if you offer them other services as well.

The two of the businesses must have mutual benefits and in this way, you can end up having permanent customers! What else do you need?

Use coupon deal sites

The easiest way to encourage people to be part of your customer base is by providing relevant offers and discounts as stated above. And coupon deal sites are the best way to share the offerings and discount coupons.

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Some of the top coupon deal sites where you can share them are:

  1. Ebates
  2. Coupons.com
  3. Groupon
  4. RetailMeNot
  5. ShopAtHome
  6. SlickDeals
  7. Savings.com
  8. Hip2save

Refer to these sites and post the offers on the appropriate ones. You must also survey for the local sites for a better response!

Launch a website

A website is the best way to showcase every single thing about your company in a well-organized manner. Your website link could be enough for any person showing interest to your business.

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Things you must take care while creating a website:

  • The theme must be perfect as per your business type
  • You must create pages and categories in a simplified format for better user experience.
  • Content should be engaging

Create a landing page

A landing page is an important part of any website, especially when your target is to maximize lead generation. A landing page is basically a page on which you can add a form and the people would be redirected to the main website after filling that form. This is actually a smart way to collect information about the niche category of people!

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So every time you promote the link of your website using Google AdWords or Social media or any other way then make them land on the landing page at first!

Do some charity

Charity is an appreciable move for coming n good notes of the people. Donate some amount or resources to major social issues. You can further take part in some events or even sponsor those events. This will increase brand awareness and reliability.

Even if you donate a small amount that doesn’t make much difference to you, may make a huge difference to the other side! The charity would not just benefit your business but also it will benefit the people in need! So this move is beneficial for both.

Speak at events

You can take the initiative to introduce your company at local events. This is one of the finest methods of brand awareness. And being a small business, initially, your target must be local gentry only!

Here are a few types of events where you can have held on the mike!

  • B2B groups
  • Company of other category but with the potential audience
  • Common Clubs
  • Entertainment events
  • Build a relationship with schools and colleges and speak on their upcoming events
  • Other local events that are usually mentioned in the newspaper

Generate leads through existing customers (WOM Marketing)

Your existing customer could act as the greatest source of lead generation. As we know the fact that usually, people get encouragement to connect with any business by the Word-of-Mouth.

So all you need to do this that offer some benefits to the existing customers for every referral. In this, they will promote your brand in front of their friends, colleagues and other people around them! That’s the reason why WOM Marketing is a great way to increase your business reach at a faster rate.

So these are the top 18 marketing strategies that could do wonders for your business. Move forward by applying each of the above-mentioned and watch out your business touching heights in a really short time span!